Going Back to Work After a Pandemic

Going back to work may be both a help and a challenge. In addition to paying the bills, our jobs provide us with a way to structure our day, as well as a way to feel good about our accomplishments. It also may provide us with opportunities for some informal chats  and “Hellos”throughout the day, something that we may not have had during the quarantine.

Your workplace will probably require you be more formal in your dress and demeanor then you have been for the last weeks. You may have to move out of “couch potato” mode. You may also be with people you haven’t seen for a while.

It is reasonable to expect that there will be safety requirements on the job.  Hopefully your workplace will be taking precautions, and you can certainly be prepared to stay safe- using masks and perhaps gloves, having wipes or hand sanitizer, and social distancing.

Some people may be afraid to return to work, worrying about their safety. This is a common concern. If you’re doing what you can to stay safe, other ways to deal with the worries are:

  1. Maintain positive self-talk

  2. Take some deep breaths from your belly

  3. Remind yourself that you are taking safety precautions

  4. Remember that this crisis will pass and that you’ll get through this.