Narcissistic abuse

Narcissistic abuse

Narcissistic abuse is being talked about more and more often. On YouTube and other popular websites, clinicians and others are alerting us to the effects of this form of emotional abuse. People who have strong narcissistic traits and/or qualify for a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder can wreak havoc on people in relationships with them. Narcissism has as its central feature a sense of grandiosity. People high in this trait believe they are special and entitled. They act in ways that are manipulative and controlling. Those who have been raised by a narcissistic parent are prone to develop complex trauma as a result of constantly being on edge in an unpredictable and chaotic environment. Many adult children of narcissistic parents suffer from anxiety, depression, and substance use disorders.

Healing from narcissistic abuse takes time and energy. The clinicians at Heartwork Counseling Center can help you heal from the betrayal, heartbreak, gaslighting and other losses caused by an narcissistic partner, or parent.

Deana PanzaNarcissism