Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy for Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

You may have heard of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) before. CBT refers to a group of behavioral therapies that are frequently used by therapists to treat psychological disorders. CBT has a focus on helping people challenge and change destructive thoughts and behavioral patterns. Exposure therapy involves confronting thoughts, experiences, bodily sensations, that make you anxious or provoke compulsions.

In OCD suffering comes from resisting the obsessional thoughts. Compulsions are the repetitive behaviors or mental acts that a person performs in response to the thoughts to relieve the distress. Unfortunately, the compulsions don’t work long term and the cycle keeps repeating.

When we feel fear from a trigger, we create a path that becomes automatic. Exposure involves facing your fears and learning that triggers and intrusive thoughts are safe, and this is like cutting a new path for the thoughts to follow.

In ERP a trained therapist coaches you through confronting the situation and leaning into the feelings the situation evokes. It also involves resisting the urge to engage in compulsive behaviors like checking.

If you are suffering from anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder, Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy is an evidence-based therapy that works. Contact a therapist at Heartwork to start your journey toward healing.